Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hello, my name is Kat and I am addicted to pinning!

Wow 2 blog posts in a span of 2 days...I am on a roll!!

OK, so I have noticed I have a lot of extra time on my hands, and I do mean A LOT.  So after the day is done, the little one is in bed, and the house is clean I literally find myself twiddling my thumbs until time to go to bed. I am so used to go go going all day long that I have realized it is impossible for me to just sit down and relax. Considering I apparently develop a sever case of A.D.D. when I am alone, I have taken up this wonderful hobby (if you can consider it a hobby) called pinning. Pinning is the act of spending hours on an amazing website called Pinterest a place where everything you could ever dream of cooking, crafting, wearing, decorating and planning is all bundled up into one glorious page that you then choose the items that interest you and that you plan on using or doing in the future (which 90 percent of the time does not happen) and you pin them to your own boards that you have created on you page for your future reference. Yep, I LOVE pinning! When the whole Pinterest phase started it was mainly a site where domesticated women spent hours pinning helpful information, tips and tricks, but now Pinterest is so much bigger then that. Men and women from all walks of life are pinning, even businesses are using Pinterest as a way to market and connect . Pinterest has become one of the top social media websites all over the world! Well back at what I was getting at.. I read an article the other day about how the way you organize your Pinterest boards is a big part of how people connect to or not connect to your site. Well after taking a long hard look at my Pinterest (all 3,582 pins) I noticed my boards are a mess! There are too many pins in one board and my whole page is just unorganized and frankly boring. Well I have decided to give my Pinterest a total make over! By no means am I starting from scratch, but my Pinterest is in need of a serious face lift and a new hair do. I realized this task is going to be a large one and with the work week starting tomorrow and such it might take a few days but what the hey, why not right! So wish me luck on my Pinning adventure and to all you fellow pinners out there...HAPPY PINNING!